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Testing Accordion with Expanded No

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  • KONE sets ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and pledges to have carbon neutral operations by 2030 year

  • KONE Corporation, a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, has set science-based targets for significant reductions in its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the year 2030. KONE's targets are the most ambitious in the industry and have been validated against the latest climate science by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In another first for the industry, KONE has pledged to have carbon neutral operations by 2030.

  • KONE Home commits to a 50% cut in the emissions from its own operations (scope 1 and 2 emissions) by 2030, compared to a 2018 baseline. This target is in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, which is currently the most ambitious criteria for setting science-based targets. In addition, KONE targets a 40% reduction in the emissions related to its products' materials and lifetime energy use (scope 3 emissions) over the same target period, relative to orders received.


Aviso Legal (Article componenet)

Al acceder a las páginas de Internet de KONE Corporation, o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias (en lo sucesivo, "KONE") en, o cualquiera de sus subsitios (en lo sucesivo, "Sitio"), usted acepta la siguientes términos y condiciones. No debe acceder a este sitio si no está de acuerdo con todos los siguientes términos y condiciones.

Licencia limitada

Sujeto a los términos y condiciones establecidos en este documento, todas las leyes y regulaciones locales aplicables, KONE le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible, personal y limitado para acceder, usar y mostrar este Sitio y los materiales del asistente para su uso personal únicamente. Esta autorización no es una transferencia de propiedad del Sitio y los materiales contenidos en este documento. La política está sujeta a las siguientes restricciones: (i) debe conservar, en todas las copias del Sitio y materiales, todos los avisos de propiedad intelectual y otros avisos de propiedad de KONE; y (ii) no puede modificar, distribuir, transferir, almacenar materiales. De ninguna manera reproducir, exhibir, utilizar el Sitio y los materiales para ningún propósito público o comercial, salvo que se indique expresamente lo contrario en este documento.


Los contenidos del Sitio son Copyright © KONE Corporation. Todos los derechos no expresamente otorgados aquí están reservados.

Marcas registradas

Las marcas registradas son “KONE”, “Monospace®”, “Ecodisc®”, “Minispace™”, “Maxispace®”, “PowerDisc®”, “TranSys™”, “KONE EcoMaster®”, “KONE e-OPTIMUM™”, “Alta™”, “KONEMATIC™”, “KoneXion™”, “KONE Care™”, “KONE Polaris™”, ”TravelMaster™”, “TransitMaster™”, “Dedicated to People Flow™”

y todas las demás marcas comerciales de KONE, nombres de productos KONE, logotipos, símbolos comerciales, nombres comerciales, lemas, ya sean registrados o no, y los servicios son marcas comerciales de KONE. Su acceso a este Sitio no debe interpretarse como una concesión, por implicación, preclusión o de otro modo, de cualquier licencia o derecho a usar cualquier marca que aparezca en el Sitio sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de KONE.

Modificación del sitio

KONE se reserva el derecho de cambiar o modificar el contenido del Sitio, lo que incluye, entre otros, este Aviso Legal, así como retirar, limitar el acceso al Sitio en cualquier momento con o sin previo aviso.


Los contenidos del Sitio se proporcionan "tal cual" y "según disponibilidad". El uso de cualquier información, herramientas y servicios en el Sitio se ejecutará bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del usuario y KONE no garantiza ni garantiza la exactitud o la funcionalidad de dicha información, herramientas o servicios. Salvo que lo exija la ley aplicable, no se ofrece garantía de ningún tipo, ya sea expresa o implícita, en relación con la disponibilidad, exactitud, fiabilidad o contenido del Sitio.

Limitación de responsabilidad

A excepción de lo requerido por la ley aplicable, KONE no será responsable por ningún daño directo, indirecto, incidental, especial o consecuente, lucro cesante o por interrupción del negocio que surja del uso o la imposibilidad de utilizar el Sitio y los servicios prestados en el Sitio, incluso si KONE ha sido advertido de tales daños. KONE no será responsable de las inexactitudes, demoras o fallas que se presenten en el Sitio, y no estará obligado a notificar a los usuarios cuando la información se haya actualizado. KONE no es responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño que sea causado por su confianza en cualquier información o servicios contenidos en el Sitio o datos que el usuario haya ingresado en el Sitio.


El Sitio puede incluir enlaces a sitios web y recursos que pertenecen y son operados por terceros. KONE no asume ninguna responsabilidad y no respalda ni hace ninguna representación o garantía de material creado o publicado por terceros a los que el Sitio tenga un enlace.


Al enviar información o material (como comentarios, datos, respuestas, preguntas, comentarios, sugerencias, ideas, planes, pedidos, solicitudes o similares) a KONE, por ejemplo, por correo electrónico o a través del Sitio, usted acepta que: i) el material no contendrá ningún artículo que sea ilegal, calumnioso, difamatorio, obsceno, pornográfico, abusivo, acosador o amenazante, o que no sea apto para su publicación; (ii) hará los esfuerzos razonables para escanear y eliminar cualquier virus u otras características contaminantes o destructivas antes de enviar cualquier material; (iii) posee el material o tiene el derecho ilimitado de proporcionarlo, y KONE puede publicar el material y / o incorporarlo o cualquier concepto descrito en él en nuestros productos sin compensación, restricciones de uso, reconocimiento de la fuente o responsabilidad; y (iv) acepta no tomar medidas contra KONE en relación con el material que envía, y acepta indemnizar a KONE si alguna de las partes toma medidas contra KONE en relación con el material que envía.

Business Line Highlights with background Light Blue

BLH - Product Services and Investors

Welcome to the optimized version of Business Line Highlights brand refresh view. Happy browsing!


Products and services

KONE provides world-class services and innovative solutions for new buildings and existing buildings – everything you need for smooth people flow.



Welcome to the KONE Investor Relations pages! You can find information on KONE as an investment on these pages. This site mainly serves KONE shareholders and other capital market participants.

Optimized Fonts and Spaces


Campaign Highlight

This component is to show a promotional banner with a link. The image is always on the left, and the background color is always blue.

Sample Subtitle

Content Blocks Title

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image.


Content Items Title 1

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image. ContentBlock1, ContentBlock2, ContentBlock3, ContentBlock4, ContentBlock5

Content Block Text
img_Bloomberg story


Content Items Title 2

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image.

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image.


Content Items Title 3

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image.



Content Items Title 4

The Content blocks component is used to show images and text next to each other. The image is placed on the left and the text on the right. The general part of the Content blocks component consists of an optional general title and introduction. The blocks itself contains a title, a body and an image.

Optimized Fonts and Spaces

Rebrand Subtitle

Content Heading

Lead text


Reskin Subtitle

Content River Title

Cities are like children: they outgrow themselves. Cleveland’s main transport hub, Tower City Rapid Station, underwent an urgent overhaul in time for the biggest street party of the year, and KONE was there to see it through, modernizing 4 escalators in time for the busiest traffic day of the year.

Blockquote 1

heading 1

Heading Size - Blank, Image -Yes, Image Position - Left, Auto Play video -No, Image Video - Blank, Image mobile video- Blank, Video Player -Blank, Item layout - Default, Grid - Grid

Contact Persons Title

Contact Persons Introduction

KONE Websites Worldwide

Find out more about the solutions available in your region/country and find the local contact information on your local KONE website

Your suggested website

We couldn't determine a local website for youWe couldn't determine a local website for you

Select another option

Select your local website Country

CTA Title 4

The Call to Action (CTA) module is for inserting a call to action button, such as "contact us". This is mostly used to link to from other elements. Some other blocks such as the hero banner and latest press releases can have their own embedded CTA buttons, in which case this particular block is not used. If you need a more visually striking alternative to this block, consider the campaign highlight.

form1124 in two columns

Test form 1124

Reskinned version of Form componenet below.

Sample form


My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance|24/7 Connected Services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|Doors|Advanced People Flow solutions|People Flow planning|Loading Bay|Other

Please notice, that when you submit this form, we will be collecting your personal data. For more information about personal data processing, please see our Privacy Statement.

Optimized Fonts and Spaces

Gated Content with Light Blue Theme

Gated Content - Video Introduction

KONE Corporation and its employees, partners, subsidiaries and affiliates (“KONE”) are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. KONE processes your personal data in accordance with international and European Data Protection Principles and applicable personal data legislation (including the European General Data Protection Regulation, as applicable).



Elevator Planner

Elevator Planner

Get all the technical data you need to plan everything down to the last detail, including downloadable CAD and BIM models, as well as detailed elevator specifications.

KONE locations across the globe



Info Modules Title

Info Modules Introduction - This is a numbered version with images coming the DAM.

Info items Title 1

With the Info Module it's possible to have small blocks of information next to each other. With the Info Module it's possible to have small blocks of information next to each other.


Info items Title

With the Info Module it's possible to have small blocks of information next to each other.


Latest Press Release with Sand background

Latest press releases


Mosiac with 9 tiles

Mosaic to test the Reskinning designs

This is the optimized version of Mosaic in the brand refresh view. You may notice the reduced fonts and gaps.



Reskinned version of Multi CTA module below.

Services success stories

See how we create long-term value for our customers.

  • Filter Selections
    reset selection

Branch offices

Branch Name State Province Phone Number Address City Zip
Algaria Branch Algaria +91-9848316677 Algaria Address Oran 500042
Algaria Branch Algaria +91-9848316677 Algaria Address Oran 500090
Angola Branch Angola +91-9848316677 Angola Address Luanda 500042
Brazil Brazil +91-9848316677 Brazil Amsterdam 500042
Brazil Brazil +91-9848316677 Brazil Amsterdam 500042
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
Israel Israel +91-9848316677 Israel Jerusalem 500042
Israel Israel +91-9848316677 Israel Jerusalem 500042
India Branch India +91-7674814542 Accenture, Gachibowli Hyderabad 500032
Libya Branch Libya +91-9848316677 Libya Address Tripoli 500042
Netherland Branch Netherland +91-9848316677 Amsterdam Amsterdam 500042
Netherland Branch Netherland +91-9848316677 Amsterdam Amsterdam 500042
KONE head office Uusimaa Tel.: +358(0)204 75 1 Keilasatama 3 Espoo 02150
India branch japan 9944005088 test adress Chennai 605009
India branch japan 4563467902 test adress chennai 456790
Kone Canada ON 9944565609 test address Chennai 605008
Kone Canada ON 56892389 test address Mississauga L5J6D8
Wrong Branch Wrong State +91-9848316677 Wrong Address Wrong City 500042
Wrong Branch Wrong State +91-9848316677 Wrong Address Wrong City 500042

Office Search Map Title 1

Office Search Map Introduction 1

Office Selector Title 1

Office Selector Introduction 1

Brand refresh subtitle.

Lift replacement – KONE DX class lifts

The Product Teaser can be used to quickly introduce a product and a couple of key capabilities

KONE MonoSpace® DX

Versatile machine room-less passenger lift for low and mid-rise residential and commercial buildings.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 90 m
  • MAX. LOAD 33 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 3.0 m/s

KONE MiniSpace™ DX

High-speed passenger lift with compact machine room for high-rise buildings.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 210 m
  • MAX. LOAD 26 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 4.0 m/s

KONE TranSys™ DX

Adaptable and durable goods and passenger lift for public transport, retail, and hospital buildings.

  • MAX. TRAVEL 40 m
  • MAX. LOAD 53 persons
  • MAX. SPEED 1.6 m/s


Welcome to P&S

Testing product

Product and Specification test

  • #Americas
  • #Escalators & Autowalks
  • #Hotel
  • #Modernization


Welcome to Testing phase



Welcome to Testing phase 2

Article placeholder image

Product and Reference Specifications 4 Columns Subtitle

Product and Reference Specifications 4 Columns Title

Product and Reference Specifications 4 Columns Introduction

Column Title 1

Column Introduction 1

From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process, we’ll work together with you – to help you succeed. Click the arrow below to watch the video.

img_A night at the museum_additional_01_900x419

Column Title 2

Column Introduction 2

From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process,

img_Building a better hospital_additional_02_900x419

Column Title 3

Column Introduction 3

From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process, we’ll work together with you – to help you succeed. Click the arrow below to watch the video. From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process, we’ll work together with you – to help you succeed. Click the arrow below to watch the video. From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process, we’ll work together with you – to help you succeed. Click the arrow below to watch the video.

img_Building a better hospital_additional_900x419

Column Title 4

Column Introduction 4

From the first meeting, through all the stages of the development process, we’ll work together with you – to help you succeed. Click the arrow below to watch the video.

  • #Americas
  • #Escalators & Autowalks
  • #Green certified
  • #Maintenance
  • #Marine
  • #Residential


Select a year from the dropdown below

Reskinned version of Publication center below.


Selected Highlights with 4 tiles layout

Latest news and stories

Reskinned version of selected highlights below.


Item 3

Faces of KONE: Meet some of our inspiring women leaders

Brand Refresh subtitle comes here!

Office Title

Reskinned version of selected Office location.

Office Information 1

Sales & Service Office - Hyderabad Kukatpally Housing Board Colony, Kukatpally 500 085 Telangana, India Tel: 040 - 23231506/07/08/09 Business Identity Code: 1927400-1

Office Information 2

it will also add itself to the following dynamic blocks: office search map, office list.

Office Information 3

The office location component is only designed to be used once per page, that is why you need to create a separate page per every office location.

Subtitle introducted in new brand will come here

Social Media Feed

Social Media Feed Introduction will come here



Kone - Improving the flow of urban life

Kone Elevators

KONE MonoSpace 700 DXFlexible passenger elevator for commercial buildings with demanding people-flow requirements.No90 m or 36 floors3.0 m/s2,500 kg/up to 33 persons6
KONE MonoSpace 500 DX
Versatile passenger elevator for low and mid-rise residential and commercial buildings.No75 m or 24 floors1.75 m/s1,150 kg/up to 15 persons4
KONE MonoSpace 300 DX
Cost-efficient passenger elevator for low-rise residential buildingsNo40 m or 14 floors1.0 m/s1,000 kg/up to 13 persons2


At KONE, we understand that different types of buildings have an impact on the flow of people and the surrounding environment.



The way we move through buildings and cities has changed. Populations continue to grow and the role of buildings continues to transform. At KONE, we want to provide a smoother, safer, more enriching experience for people, where moving in and around buildings is better than it is today. By bringing our insights to people flow, we can make cities better places to live in.



Our solutions and services are designed with effectiveness at the forefront, not only to provide the best people flow in and around buildings, but to have a lasting positive impact on building value and business performance.



From low-rise buildings to the world’s highest skyscrapers; from the demands of shopping malls, hotels, airports and transit hubs, to cruise ships, stadiums and concert halls, KONE has always been dedicated to people flow and we are proud to serve some of the world’s most well-known buildings and urban complexes.

Reskin Subtitle

Tools and Downloads Title

Tools and Downloads Introduction

KONE E-link™

KONE E-Link enables elevator and escalator system monitoring from one location, helping you secure the best possible tenant service quality, reliability and efficiency of the elevators and escalators in your building.

Escalator toolbox

Helps you create detailed specifications – as well as customized CAD drawings for preliminary planning – for KONE TravelMaster 110, 115 and KONE TransitMaster 120 solutions.

Download the materials and accessories brochure

Download the materials and accessories brochure

KONE Car Designer

Design your own elevator interior online. Choose a theme from the KONE Design Collection, or mix and match materials, lighting, and accessories to create a unique look.

Sustainability report 2015

Sustainability report 2015

KONE 24/7

Results that speak for themselves

KONE 24/7 Connected Services has already helped to improve the reliability and performance of tens of thousands of different pieces of equipment in buildings of all kinds.

Improved user experience

Round-the-clock monitoring increases safety and improves accessibility. The end result is smooth people flow and satisfied users.

Effortless maintenance and planning

By proactively identifying and fixing issues before they cause problems, we save facility managers’ time and cut their workload. Fact-based recommendations for asset management help prolong the equipment lifetime.

A boost for your business

When your equipment runs smoothly, so does your business. By addressing issues proactively and optimizing maintenance schedules according to your needs, we give people flow, and your business, a boost.

The smart way to add value

Smart predictive maintenance and fact-based asset management planning helps you to make better investment decisions, prolongs equipment lifetime and keeps your building ahead of the game.


Proactive identification of faults

Share of proactively performed maintenance activities during the first 2 years:


Fewer faults visible to end users

Reduction in amount of call-outs during the first 2 years:

General recruitment process


You can apply directly for any of the open jobs published on our career pages. If you are new to our career pages, you will be asked to create yourself a user account before prompted to apply for job openings at KONE.


Once you have completed and sent your online application you will receive an automatic email confirmation. A local HR and line manager will go through the applications and shortlist candidates for an interview. We may conduct several interview rounds before a final selection is made.


All applicants are contacted either by email or phone at the latest when the selection has been made. The duration of the recruitment process may vary depending on different factors and for this reason we are unable to give you any estimate as to how long it will take to receive the information on the final selection.


Key figures and ratios

  • KONE
    Title Description Type File Size
    Do's & Dont's Brochure Elevator Do's & Dont's PDF 508.4 kB Download
    Kone Care kone Care for life elevators or escalators PDF 218.4 kB Download
  • KONE
    Title Description Type File Size
    Handbook designing doors Handbook designing doors for architects PDF 3 MB Download
    Handbook Kone desinging doors Handbook Kone desinging doors for architects PDF 3 MB Download
  • KONE
    Title Description Type File Size
    Reference book for Kone Doors Reference book for kone 2016 PDF 3 MB Download
    Reference book for Kone Doors edition Reference book for Kone Doors 2016 edition PDF 15.1 MB Download

Press Release Index

Welcome to Press Release Index



Kone Factsheet

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Cards Subtitle



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat commodo ipsum.

Your time respected!

Nunc tristique, ante nec blandit pulvinar, nulla urna posuere metus, vel iaculis eros nisl gravida elit. Curabitur non nisi quam. Vestibulum eget venenatis sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat commodo ipsum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat commodo ipsum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat commodo ipsum.

Your time respected!!

Nunc tristique, ante nec blandit pulvinar, nulla urna posuere metus, vel iaculis eros nisl gravida elit. Curabitur non nisi quam. Vestibulum eget venenatis sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat commodo ipsum.

Your time respected!!!

Nunc tristique, ante nec blandit pulvinar, nulla urna posuere metus, vel iaculis eros nisl gravida elit. Curabitur non nisi quam. Vestibulum eget venenatis sem.



Proofpoint Tiles


img_InfoScreen standard_635x630

KONE Online

KONE Online gives you and your team round- the-clock access to performance, maintenance, breakdown, and repair data for all your equipment via an easy-to-use web portal.


KONE Mobile

The KONE Mobile app gives you important information anywhere, anytime. Receive equipment status notifications, maintenance schedules, or check the progress of ongoing maintenance work.


Monitor equipment in real time

View real-time information on the condition of your elevators, escalators, and automatic building doors.


Track maintenance activities

Review past, ongoing, and upcoming maintenance work plus the associated costs.


Get help when you need it

Contact a customer service professional quickly and easily whenever you need to.

Welcome to Video banner

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